Chili ID application is packed with awesome features

Scan an item

Identify peppers you see in the market. Learn about the captured items. You will be given new information about peppers!

Browse the library

Start browsing the libraries! You will be given useful options of chili peppers regarding the popularity, the level of spiciness, and so on.

Import your own

Search for peppers saved in your camera roll. You don't have to be spontaneous. Save photos from time to time and identify them all at once!

Scan an item

Identify peppers you see in the market. Go on the camera tab, and capture an item you want to know more about. This will lead you to a "Result page", where you will be given new information about the captured items.


Browse the library

Start browsing the libraries! You will be given sets of useful options of chili peppers by exploring the dropdown menu. Toggle in between

  • Popular
  • Spicy level
  • Country of origin
  • and also sort them alphabetically, or based on top searches!

    By clicking the boxes containing peppers, it will automatically lead to the "Result page" - that contains information about peppers.

Import your own

Search for peppers saved in your camera roll. You don't have to be spontaneous. Search whenever you become curious about anything. Save photos from time to time and identify them all at once!

Once you click your images, it will then lead to the "Result page" - which contains useful information about chili peppers.
